Mindful Mobility (Upper Body)

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Saturday 06/08/2024 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
$30.00 Mindful Mobility (Upper Body)

The saying "use it, lose it" can very much be applied to our body's ability to move in all of the ways it was designed to. In this two-part series (come to one or both!) with Ellie, we will explore the major joints, moving through a series of exercises to encourage freedom of movement. This workshop is designed for practitioners of all levels and will incorporate specific yoga postures as a means to explore range of motion.  

In week two, Upper Body Mobility, we'll explore hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, and spine. 
-Muscle release around specific joints through self massage and stretching 
-Strength exercises using lightweight resistance bands and body weight 
-A slow flow to integrate mind and body 

Pricing: $40; $30 for members and Early Birds through June 1.

Ellie Conrad

Ellie's yoga practice has guided her through years of self-discovery. Because of the continuous rediscovery of the transformative nature of yoga, it has become her most important guidepost for growth. Ellie began teaching in 2015 and completed her second 200-hr teacher training with Kula Yoga Project in 2021. In her yoga classes, you can expect challenging, creative, alignment based sequencing with a focus on breath in order to harmonize body, breath and mind.

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